Preghiera con Maria

by Diego Passaniti



The Small Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, according to the Roman Breviary. Latin - Italian text.The Small Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a shortened reduction of the Great Canonical Office dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.It consists of: Matins, Lauds, the hours of First, Third, Sixth and Ninth, Vespers and ComplineThe whole Little Office is a moving intertwining "of sublime tears, outbursts of hope, pleas full of love, which correspond to all the needs, all the aspirations of human nature".Next to the Small Office of the B.V. Maria, I thought about gathering other resources:Complete liturgy of the day. (if you want you can change the date)Rosary and prayers.Commentary on the Gospel of the day.Audio Rosary and Audio Chaplet of Divine Mercy.Liturgy of the Hours. (if you want you can change the date)Breviarium Romanum. (if you want you can change the date)Ad Jesum per Mariam - To Jesus for MaryApp released on May 24, 2020 - Feast of the Ascension of the Lord and day dedicated to Maria Auxilium christianorum - Mary Help of Christians.